Simplify Your Marketing with Cutting-Edge AI Strategies

Live Interactive Workshops That Help You Create MORE content in LESS time using

the power of AI so that you can experience MORE customers than ever before!

Effortlessly Create Content

Establish Your Authority

Convert More Customers

It’s Time to Take a Stand Against Overwhelming Content Creation!

  • Sick of the Never-Ending Content Hamster Wheel? 🐹 I get it - pumping out post after post, email after email can make you feel like you're on a marathon that never ends. And it's sapping all your energy and joy, am I right?

  • Feeling Overwhelmed and Burnt Out? 😣 The constant pressure to produce can leave even the most ambitious entrepreneur feeling defeated. Not cool!

  • This is SO Not Okay! 🛑 You deserve to feel pumped about growing your amazing business and connecting with your community - not chained to your desk cranking out content like a robot.

So let's flip the script and take control back, shall we? 💪 With my AI Authority Insiders program, we'll revolutionize your content creation approach. Picture more time for strategy, growth, and YOU. Doesn't that sound ah-mazing??

With the right AI tools and resources, you CAN break out of that crazy content hamster wheel for good! I won't let you burn out. We're gonna ignite that passion for your business and community again - and generate content the smart way while we're at it!

You ready to do this? Let's grab this content beast by the horns and show it who's boss! Now...let's GOOOOO! 🙌

  • Tired of the Endless Content Treadmill? The relentless demand for fresh, high-quality content can feel like a never-ending marathon, sapping your energy and joy.

  • Feeling Overwhelmed and Frustrated? The constant pressure to churn out blog posts, emails, and social media updates can make even the most resilient entrepreneurs feel defeated.

  • This is Not Okay! It's not fair for you to feel chained to your desk, swallowed by an overwhelming to-do list. You should be experiencing the thrill of growing your business and engaging with your community.

  • Time for a Revolution! With AI Authority Insiders™, we're changing the game for content creation, allowing you to focus on strategy, growth, and most importantly, YOU.

  • Let's Reignite Your Passion for Your Business! Take back control and reignite your excitement for your work. It's time to run your business, not let it run you. Are you ready to join us?

Create Captivating Content 10-30x Faster With AI

It's Time for a Content Creation REVOLUTION!

With AI Authority Insiders™, we're flipping the script on content creation.

You'll be able to focus your precious time on strategy, growth, and most importantly...YOU!

Harness the Power of AI

Let AI work its magic to help you create brilliant content super fast, while you sit back and watch!

Join an Exclusive Community

Be part of a thriving community of authority innovators, all pushing the boundaries of AI to supercharge their content creation. You're not just a part of a community - you're family!

Say Buh-bye Burnout!

Kiss the content creation stress goodbye! Get ready for a steady stream of fantastic content, without feeling like you're running on a never-ending hamster wheel. Phew, right?

But hey, don't just take our word for it.
Here's the scoop from our happy insiders:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Jane Doe

Online Entrepreneur

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Jane Doe

Online Entrepreneur

Ready to step into a world where

content creates itself?

Click the button below to join the AI Authority Insiders™ family today!

I Feel You. Let's Swap Your Late Night Stress for Success!

As someone who has immersed herself in the digital marketing world for over three decades, I totally get it. I feel your pain around the endless content creation grind. The frustration, the late nights, the pressure to always pump out more. I've been there!

That's why I created AI Authority Insiders™. To help you, my fellow creators and entrepreneurs, tackle the content creation maze with less stress and more success.

My journey in leveraging AI for marketing has led to some fantastic discoveries and breakthroughs. I'm pumped to share them with you, helping you unlock the same time-saving, efficiency-boosting benefits.

Remember, this isn't just about me guiding you. We're in this together! It's you and me embarking on this exciting AI adventure as a team. I'll always have your back so you can achieve more in less time.

Because at the end of the day, it's not just about churning out content. It's about you living a life you love.

Can't wait to see you on the inside!

Big hugs,

~ Kim

Let's Reignite Your Passion, Take Back Control & Get You Excited About Your Biz Again!

You get to run your business - don't let it run you!

Alrighty, Here's Your Game Plan, Superstar…

Special Founding Member Rate!

Lock in your $47/month rate now!

$47 per month is an incredible value for those

READY to transform their content creation!

Lock in this rate now and it's yours to keep for as long as you're with us!


Hop On Board, Friend!

As a member of AI Authority Insiders, you're not just joining a community, you're joining a family. We're all about cutting-edge AI content creation that saves you from stress and frees up your time. Let's do this!


Soak Up All the Good Stuff

Get ready to dive into a treasure chest of resources! With our frameworks and training portal, you'll be on the fast track to next-level content. Time to unlock that AI magic!


Sit Back and Watch the Magic Unfold

Get ready to dive into a treasure chest of resources! With our frameworks and training portal, you'll be on the fast track to next-level content. Time to unlock that AI magic!

Here's What You Get When You Join The AI Authority Insiders™:

LIVE Monthly Interactive Workshop

VALUE $997

Get ready to roll up your sleeves and dive into real-world AI marketing scenarios with our monthly hands-on workshops. Together, we'll solve problems and learn new techniques - it's teamwork at its best!

Authority Creator Content Framework

VALUE $1297

Ever wondered how the pros make such great content? It's not magic, it's our Authority Creator™ Content Framework! This is your blueprint to creating compelling content that really hits the mark.

AI Authority Insiders™ Training Portal

VALUE $1297

Think of our Training Portal as your secret library full of all the juicy AI knowledge you need. It's packed with tutorials, case studies, and trade secrets - everything you need to take your AI game to the next level.

Weekly AI 'Fun' Challenges

VALUE $797

Who said learning couldn't be fun? Our weekly AI challenges are designed to get you thinking, exploring, and playing with AI concepts in a way that doesn't feel like work at all!

AI Tips, Tricks and Frameworks

VALUE $1297

Stay ahead of the game with our best-kept secrets. We're sharing our top AI tips, tricks, and frameworks to keep your marketing strategy sharp and successful.

AI Tech Reviews - Stay in the KNOW

VALUE $797

No more guesswork when it comes to picking the right AI tools. We've got the lowdown on all the latest and greatest in AI tech, so you can choose what works best for you.

AI Toolbox

VALUE $997

Consider this your AI Swiss Army Knife. Our AI Toolbox is full of practical resources and templates to make your marketing efforts efficient and effective.

Community of Authority Innovators

VALUE $1297

You're not alone on this AI journey. Join our Community of Authority Innovators - a vibrant network of AI enthusiasts and marketing mavens just like you. Let's learn, grow, and innovate together!

That is A Total Value of $9,425!!




Give it a Try! Cancel Anytime.

Here's What Our Current Members Are Saying...

" Love your profile avatar! I've got a few friends out that way. I'm in Michigan myself. Welcome! his is definitely an amazing community to learn from and be a part of. Kim Garst doesn't know it yet, but her teachings are why I landed a new 2k client this week! "

Sarah Goodell, Member

" Love your profile avatar! I've got a few friends out that way. I'm in Michigan myself. Welcome! his is definitely an amazing community to learn from and be a part of. Kim Garst doesn't know it yet, but her teachings are why I landed a new 2k client this week! "

Sarah Goodell, Member

" Love your profile avatar! I've got a few friends out that way. I'm in Michigan myself. Welcome! his is definitely an amazing community to learn from and be a part of. Kim Garst doesn't know it yet, but her teachings are why I landed a new 2k client this week! "

Sarah Goodell, Member

Wondering if this is right for you? Let's knock down those roadblocks…

AI Authority Insiders™ isn't just another program - it's your VIP pass to

a whole new AI-powered world of content creation. One where experts who've been in your shoes guide you every step of the way!

No Time? No Prob! 🕑

With AI, we're talking 10-30x faster content creation. Say bye to long hours and hello to more of what you love!

Budget Worries? We Got You!

A small monthly fee unlocks a treasure chest of tools

vs. expensive one-offs. Such a smart investment!

Worried About the Learning Curve? Fear Not! 📈

Our user-friendly training makes AI as easy as pie. Who said learning can't be fun?

Concerned About Relevance? Relax!

Our strategies ensure your AI content is tailored to your peeps. We know how important that is!

Need Support? You're Home! 🏠

As an Insider, you've got an entire community behind you. We're all in this together!

Why wait, my friend? It's time to step into the future of content creation with AI Authority Insiders™! Unlock next-level growth, save major time, and create content that truly resonates.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Jane Doe

Online Entrepreneur
























Retail Price: $4,997


"You should be able to earn more without adding extra hours to your day."

Go from "not knowing what to do next" to mastering online marketing, connecting with your dream clients via social media and ultimately, boosting sales.

Hi, I'm Kim...

Haaaaiiii! If we haven’t met yet, I’m Kim Garst, international keynote speaker, highly sought-after online marketing strategist, and small business owner.

Over the past 30+ years, I’ve built multiple 7-figure online businesses and learned a lot of tricks to “making da money” as they say. I have helped thousands of entrepreneurs, some of the world’s top brands (like Microsoft, IBM, and Mastercard), and hundreds of influential business leaders with digital and social media strategies.

I’m here to help you build an extraordinary business to live the life of your dreams! I love helping ordinary people discover their unique “possibles,” which is the reason why I’ve been teaching small business owners like you how to take action on digital marketing strategies like the ones in Business Builder’s Academy.

In fact, since 2007, I’ve been growing my own business using the same strategies and tactics that I share with you in my exclusive Business Builder’s Academy membership!

Let’s put it this way…some people talk about building million dollar businesses, but I’ve actually built them. So, I know exactly how to do it. And, I’m sharing that knowledge with you in Business Builder’s Academy.

Here Are A Few Achievements

I've Been Blessed to Collect Over The Years

An international

best-selling author

An internationally recognized thought leader in the online marketing space

Forbes Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer

One of the world's most retweeted people among digital marketers

Top 100 Digital Marketer’s as named by Brand24

Here's what other business owners are saying

about AI Authority Insiders™

Thanks! Social is always shifting sand. Kim's training helps strengthen our social castles and keeps them intact.

Dawn P.

Thanks! Social is always shifting sand. Kim's training helps strengthen our social castles and keeps them intact.

Dawn P.

With AI Authority Insiders™ , you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and expertise that empowers you to shape your marketing destiny.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is AI Authority Insiders™?

AI Authority Insiders™ is a membership program that empowers online business owners to harness the power of AI for their content creation and marketing strategies. It offers tools, resources, expert guidance, and a supportive community to elevate their authority in their respective industries.

Q: How do I access the Insider Training Portal?

Accessing the Insider Training Portal is as easy as pie. Simply log into your Skool classroom and voila! You'll find the training portal below the AI Fun Challenges in the left nav bar. It's jam-packed with resources, training, and tools, all ready for you to dive in and explore.

Q: What do I get as a member of AI Authority Insiders™?

As a member, you receive access to AI-powered content creation templates, personalized workshops, expert guidance, community interactions, exclusive resources, and regular updates on AI trends and techniques.

Q: I'm new to AI, is this program suitable for beginners?

Absolutely! Our program is designed to accommodate all skill levels, and we provide ample resources to help you understand and harness the power of AI in your marketing efforts.

Q: Is AI Authority Insiders suitable for all business niches?

Yes, AI Authority Insiders is designed to benefit businesses across various niches and industries. The AI tools and resources can be adapted to cater to different content needs and marketing objectives.

Q: How time-intensive is this program?

Our goal is to streamline and simplify your content strategy, not add to your workload. The time you spend on the program will largely depend on your personal pace and the extent to which you leverage our resources and community.

Q: How often are the AI Workshops held?

Workshops are held monthly, giving members an opportunity to craft content that is tailored to their specific business and marketing goals using the power of AI frameworks.

Q: How do I join the AI Workshops?

Fantastic question! We're all about creating a streamlined, user-friendly experience for you. We'll be conducting our workshops inside a new and interactive platform called Sessions. Think of it as Zoom's cooler, more innovative cousin. You'll receive the specific details on how to join the AI Workshops via email, so make sure to keep an eye on your inbox!

Q: What if I miss the workshop, will I be able to access the replay?

We've got you covered! We understand life happens and schedules can be unpredictable. If you miss a workshop, no sweat. Replays will be available for you in the AI Content Workshops Module inside the Skool classroom.

But, let me share a little secret: being there live is where the real magic happens! It's the ultimate chance to get involved, ask questions, and share insights. So, I strongly encourage you to try and make it to the live sessions whenever you can. You won't regret it! 😉

Q: Do I need to have any special software or tools to use this program?

All you need is a stable internet connection and a device to access our online resources. We will suggest AI Tools but we are primarily suggesting free to low cost tools and will be recommended within the program itself.

Q: How can I get involved in the AI content challenges?

AI content challenges are a fun and interactive part of the community. You can participate by following the challenge guidelines, creating and submitting your content within the specified timeframe, and sharing it with the community.

Q: What if I want to cancel my membership?

While we'd be sorry to see you go, you can cancel your membership at any time. However, keep in mind that the real transformative results come with time and consistent application of the strategies and tools provided.

Q: Can I connect and collaborate with other members?

Absolutely! AI Authority Insiders fosters a supportive and collaborative community where you can engage, share ideas, and collaborate with other like-minded business owners and marketing professionals.

Q: What kind of support can I expect?

In addition to access to all our resources, you'll be part of our vibrant community of fellow Authority Innovators. You can also reach out to our support team at if you have any questions or need assistance with anything related to the program.

Q: Where do I access AI Authority Insiders™?

AI Authority Insiders is nestled within the AI Authority Creators™ Community. After your purchase:

STEP 1 - Await Your Email: You'll get an invite in your inbox with the subject, "AI Authority Creators™ invited you to join their community." It might take about 10-15 minutes to land. 📧

STEP 2 - Hop In: Click the JOIN NOW button in the email. Already a member of our AI Authority Creators community? Just log in and navigate to the Classroom to dive into AI Authority Insiders. New here? You'll be guided to set up your free Skool account. Once you're in, head straight to the Classroom to kickstart your AI adventure.

Need assistance or have questions? We're here to help! Contact us at

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